Angesol 10%

Name : Angesol 10%
NO : 2017003
Size : 5L
Ingredient : Dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride…10%
Animal Medicine NO.03655
General wound and skin infection disinfection, poultry drinking water disinfection, uterus, breast, chicken, barn, feeding trough, surgical instruments such as disinfection.
1: 1250 ~ 2500 (dilution factor) poultry drinking water to prevent bacteria, mold, and viruses and other infections.
1: 750 (dilution factor) General sanitation disinfection ward, chicken coop, pig house, utensils.
1: 100 ~ 200 (dilution factor) deodorant, the elimination of pain, inhibition of mold, wound surgery site disinfection and brush hands.
1: 250 ~ 500 (dilution factor) Mastitis prevention and breast disinfection 1: 400 (dilution factor) uterine washing.